A crew of volunteers were out this weekend picking up trash near Long Branch Library . They had Orange M-NCPPC County Park trash bags, and everything they picked up kept it out of the nearby storm drain, which flows into Long Branch. A great demonstration of the power of volunteers.
Slow the Flow: Protecting Our Creek stormwater management project will help Three Oaks community lower its impact on Sligo Creek, the Anacostia River, and the Chesapeake Bay. The grant-funded project will collect water runoff from asphalt and gutters and help it seep gradually into the soil, reducing pollutants going into storm drains. Slow the Flow will protect our creek, our trees and our landscaping.
Thanks to our partners
Slow the Flow: Protecting our Creek is funded by a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, with funding provided by the Montgomery County Water Protection Fund and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection. Project oversight by Friends of Sligo Creek and Three Oaks Association Board of Directors.